This weekend, Amelia Winger-Bearskin and I organized our second Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon, a hackathon that asks participants to produce project that have no value whatsoever (PATENT PENDING). It was a resounding and unqualified success. Here is a small sample of the 100,000+ projects that people made over the course of the day. (If you made a project and want me to add it to this list, just get in touch.)
iPad On A Face
iPad On A Face by Cheryl Wu is a telepresence robot, except it’s a human with an iPad on his or her face.
Kim Kardashian On A Newton
Perhaps a sister project to iPad On A Face, Kim Kardashian On A Newton is photo of Kim Kardashian on an Apple Newton. Apologies for the lack of credits on this one – I can’t remember who made it.
Rearview Mirror
Rearview Mirror by Matt Romein and Sam Sadtler is a virtual reality application that shows you what’s behind you.
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Golden Bitcoin Pasties
3D printed Bitcoin pasties, by Xuedi Chen and Pedro Galvao.
The Emoji Subtitle Creator
The Emoji Subtitle Creator by Ross Goodwin and Seth Kranzler automatically translates normal subtitles into ascii symbols.
[vimeo w=640]
How to say Mitt Romney in different languages
How to say Mitt Romney in different languages by Owen Weeks is an interactive tool that teaches the user to say the word “Mitt Romney” in a variety of languages.
Tweet Your Food
Tweet Your Food by Denny George and Matthew Kaney is an important innovation in the sphere of the “quantified self”. It’s a device that tweets every time you eat a bite of food.
[vimeo w=640]
Needybot by Jessie Contour, Eric Bichan and Will Acheson is a robot that cries when you aren’t soothing it.
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Stupid Font
Stupid Font, by Stupid Hackathon veteran Laura Juo-Hsin Chen is a hand tracing of TEFF Lexicon, the most expensive font in the world.
Profanity65 by Nick Doiron adds profanity to encrypted PGP messages.
Drone Delivery with Drone Doulas
Drone Delivery with Drone Doulas by Amelia Winger-Bearksin. The future of babies.
[vimeo w=640]
Focus Tools
Focus Tools by Brian Clifton is a Chrome extension that replaces all YouTube videos with this gif:
Egg Timer
Egg Timer by Pam Liou is an hourglass that counts down to menopause.
Intellectual Babes Calendar
Intellectual Babes Calendar by Caitlin Weaver is a calendar of re-touched male intellectuals coming soon for the holiday calendar gifting season. The calendar will feature: Slavoj Žižek, Jorge Luis Borges, Roland Barthes (UNTOUCHED), Jean-Paul Sartre, Plato, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Walt Whitman, AND MANY, MANY MORE.
From the project’s creator: “It’s hard to care about the Western intellectual tradition when it was created by a bunch of old ugly white dudes. Why would you ever read some decrepit geezer’s book? The intellectual babes calendar streamlines and beautifies the men responsible for building the pillars of our culture – maybe not all the way to the point of 8 out of 10 / would fuck, but definitely lifting them out of the 10 below zero / def wouldn’t read category.”
Here are Italo Calvino (April) and Vladimir Nabokov (February):
Thank You!
We want to thank Grand Daisy bakery for making us pizza, Sam Agnew and Ordrin for paying for those pizzas, and ITP for sponsoring and hosting the event.