Other Orders
Other Orders is a system for sorting text-based content.
The project was supported by Akademie Schloss Solitude / ZKM web residency program for Rigged Systems, curated by Jonas Lund.
Recommendation systems, like the ones powering the infinite feeds on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are designed to keep you online for as long as possible for the sake of maximizing ad revenue. In doing so, they promote the most reactionary content on their platforms.
However, at the root of it, these systems are nothing more than complex sorting mechanisms. Other Orders is an alternate set of sorts, optimized for other outcomes.

Other Orders Home Page
The following sorts are available:
- Alphabetical
- Alphabetical by Username
- Antisemitism as It Is Understood by the Right
- Apocalyptic
- Approximate Quantity of Shame Expressed
- Chronological
- Cop-Like
- Crudely Understood Marxism
- Density of Adjectives
- Density of Nouns
- Density of People, Places, Brands, Monetary Values and Dates
- Density of Verbs
- Eroticism as an Approximation of Similarity to a Sentence by Anaïs Nin
- Exclamatory
- Gothness
- Kafkaesque-ness
- Length of Tweet
- Neoliberalism as Determined by Proximity to Famous Neoliberals
- Number of Numbers
- Percentage of Words Which Are Filler Words
- Quantity of Gendered Words
- Questioning
- Similarity to @dril I.E. "drilism"
- Similarity to Values Expressed in TED Talks
- Total All-Time Posts from User
- Total Emoji
- Total Favorites
- Total Hashtags
- Total Retweets
- Use of Language Similar to Language Used by Corporate Social Media Accounts Such as Amazon
You can use Other Orders to sort your twitter feed online, or offline to sort any text-based content.

Other Orders at SFPC (Photo by Kyle Knodell)

Other Orders at SFPC (Photo by Kyle Knodell)

Apocalyptic Austin

Cop-Like Beowulf

Marxist Tolstoy

Voltaire @dril

Erotic Frankenstein