New York Apartment combines the totality of New York real estate into a single website, sourced from every single for-sale listing in New York City. The site includes hundreds of thousands of images, video tours, descriptive sentences, 3d structures generated from extruded floor plans, and a mortgage calculator.

New York Apartment was made in collaboration with Tega Brain. It was a commission from the Whitney Museum for the Artport collection, curated by Christiane Paul.

New York Apartment website

New York Apartment website

Virtual tour: maze

Virtual tour: maze

Virtual tour: highrise

Virtual tour: highrise

Virtual tour: tower

Virtual tour: tower

Virtual tour: pyramid

Virtual tour: pyramid

The project is also realized as a single-channel video:

The project is also realized as multi-channel video and print installation:

New York Apartment at Center for Book Arts, NYC

New York Apartment at Center for Book Arts, NYC
